What are the benefits of
the Silva Method

Some of the many benefits you can experience;

  • Relax in seconds [anywhere, any time, in any situation].
  • Manage stress easily.
  • Have more energy and feel happier.
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs
  • Build confidence and self-esteem
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Recover faster from even serious illnesses
  • Overcome insomnia
  • Eliminate headaches and migraines
  • Overcome phobias/Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD]
  • Teach your body to wake up without an alarm clock
  • Improve your memory, recall and concentration.
  • Study more effectively
  • Improve relationships [for example romantic, family, workplace]
  • Find your perfect partner
  • Eliminate bad habits without the use of willpower
  • Fine-tune your intuition to make better decisions.
  • Solve problems to the best effect for all concerned.
  • Develop better intuition and creativity with practice and use it to make better decisions.
  • Find your life’s purpose

Anyone can benefit from this course

Using the Silva techniques in daily life can reduce stress, help us achieve excellent mental health and resilience, and help us reach the goals we set ourselves. Everyone’s goals are different, losing weight, stopping smoking, being healthy, restoring health, finding a partner, finding a new job, finding more customers, and having more money; but the techniques applied correctly, can help you get there.

Generate more business using The Silva Method

An example of this would be a CEO may decide to have all employees take the course in order to foster smoother collaboration and the generation of more profitable ideas or an athlete that has used The Silva Method to help them achieve success. You can achieve greater inner motivation and their desired outcome using mental rehearsal.

“Most companies recognize the value of having capable and motivated people on the payroll. The Silva Method has provided a definitive way of allowing people to be self-motivated. … The course clearly depicted a way for all to enrich their lives, to gain better control of circumstances which, in the past, may have negatively affected them. I am grateful for understanding this rather uncomplicated way of approaching my job and personal life and I know that RCA Corporation will come out a winner also for having endorsed such a progressive program”. RCA Records Endorses the Silva Method

J.K. Mangini, Divisional Vice President, Occupational Services, RCA Records

Achieve Business excellence

“There is no way to estimate the value of the Silva Method principles in the conduct of a new business. The power of the deep levels of mind to solve practical problems bring forth creative new product ideas, and aid in positive employer-employee relationships is fantastic. We have found the Silva Method of Mind Development to be the most grounded, practical, accessible, and easy method of all”

John and Rita Donohue, Entrepreneur

Solve Business challenges

Achieve Sporting Success

“I achieved 13 pole positions and 13 wins in a row”. “To become a racing driver takes determination, confidence, and money. Becoming a winning racing driver takes a bit more. My remarkable success is down to the personal empowerment techniques of The Silva Method. The Silva Method gives me supreme concentration and confidence which are both greatly needed in the very competitive sport of motor racing.

I am now committed to using the Silva techniques for the rest of my career.”

Andy Priaulx – Racing Driver