Helping people to achieve their goals

What people say about the Silva Method course


“I achieved 13 pole positions and 13 wins in a row”. “To become a racing driver takes determination, confidence, and money. Becoming a winning racing driver takes a bit more. My remarkable success is down to the personal empowerment techniques of The Silva Method. The Silva Method gives me supreme concentration and confidence which are both greatly needed in the very competitive sport of motor racing. I am now committed to using the Silva techniques for the rest of my career”.

Andy Priaulx – European Touring Cars

“Better and better”

I was given the news, stage three prostate cancer. Not good, but not the end of the world either. An operation would remove the prostate and that would be the end of it. Just one thing, said the consultant, one of the tests has highlighted a shadow on a lymph gland, and the surgeon would like a little more information before he proceeds with the operation to remove the prostate.

More tests proved inconclusive so I agreed to a biopsy to be given under a general anaesthetic. I don’t know what I expected the result to be, everything probably except what it was. Jane and I sat down with a consultant oncologist two weeks later, and he informed us they had found lung cancer. I,ll never forget the feeling of terror when the consultant, gently informed us it was terminal, he would try to prolong my life, but he couldn’t cure it.
So I was scheduled for a twelve-week cycle of chemotherapy, just the thought of it filled me with anxiety, and I turned up for the first session dreading it. Surprise surprise everything I had been fixated about happened. I was sick, I developed a horrendous purple rash all across my torso. My temperature rocketed upwards, and my immune system was obliterated. I was rushed back into the hospital to stabilise my system.
Then just to complicate matters, Covid19 arrived. The Doctors canceled the chemo, said it was too dangerous, and put me on a reduced rate of radiotherapy, to try and hold cancer in abeyance until the treatment proper could begin again.
Thankfully Jane stepped in at this point and said are you really just going to accept this or are we going to stand up and fight it. We’d both done the Silva healing course. We came up with a plan, devised an eating plan, and gave me a focus. The radiotherapy lasted for just three weeks, but the whole time I was going to level, three times a day for twenty or sometimes thirty minutes a time.
Three weeks after the radiation treatment finished I had another scan, to see if cancer had stabilised or was progressing. The night before I was due to meet with the consultant to hear the results, he rang me at home, almost unheard of I believe, he was so excited he was having trouble getting his words out. The cancer was gone, all over the lungs, the lymph glands, everywhere in my chest, nothing was showing on the scan.
We decided to complete the chemo treatment, just in case something was hiding somewhere, and I’ve always been a belt and braces man anyway. So after more wonderful programming advice, to see the chemo as a friend, and a friend only brings good things, here I am. Again the Doctors and nurses are amazed, they’ve never had a patient with zero side effects from chemotherapy. The latest scan shows still all clear.
I’m forever in your debt and Jose Silva should be up there with Einstein, for giving the world such a monumental gift. Together you’ve saved my life, and I will be eternally grateful.
Better and better…



"I feel so good and in control of my weight"

"To start with I needed to reduce my weight to the target I set myself, which I did by visualising the needle on the scales dropping steadily every week by 2 pounds. When I reached my target weight, I maintained it by the same simple process of “seeing” my weight on the scales and have done so ever since."

Siobhan Adams


"Then Silva Method helped me with controlling migraines and headaches"

"I suffered from serious headaches that sometimes lasted for several days, sometimes for weeks. I felt nauseous, had blurred vision, felt sleepy, run-down and unable to concentrate. Not to mention my consumption of pain killers… and the depression that overwhelmed me again and again…

The many sick leave days I had to take, made me very anxious that I might lose my job. After attending the Silva Seminars, I now live a migraine-free life. I have not taken any pills since! I’m able to concentrate better than ever.

No pain, heaps of energy, and my creativity is back. I wanted to say Thank You again, I feel so good and every day is better than the previous one."

Lisa Davis